I believe that aged care policy is proceeding in the wrong direction and that wide public discussion into what needs to be done is urgently needed. I want to get people debating and critically examining aged care.  I am initiating this by setting out these ideas. I wants others to criticise them and pull them to bits so exposing any flaws so that we can work towards something we all want and which will work.  We want people from all sectors of society to come up with their assessment of why things are failing and their ideas about how we can do better.

The initiating proposal to start the debate is the creation of community controlled aged care hubs in each locality.  The proposed 'hubs' would collect data on aged care performance, control and monitor aged care locally.  Instead of handling complaints and oversight itself, the Government would mentor and support the local 'hubs' to do this by working through them.  The hubs would develop the knowledge and the power needed to act as proxy customer for consumers and, in doing so, empower and supporti them. 

How to make a contribution

  1. Short comments:  you can fill out the 'Add A Comment' form at the base of relevant pages.
  2. Substantial contributions: Submit your contribution online using the form (below) in electronic format in either Microsoft Word or Open Office format (MAC or Windows platforms acceptable).
  3. If you would like to discuss your experience please add a comment on the Those Who Know web page.

In the spirit of transparency and open public debate, Inside Aged Care encourages authors to make their contributions public. We also acknowledge that there may be circumstances where some authors may wish part or all of their contributions to be confidential. For example, some family members or staff working in the sector may wish to participate in the public debate around aged care, but would like to request anonymity. We will consider these requests and ask that you contact us prior to making a contribution.

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  • Contributions can contain links to material on your own or other websites, but not to advertisements advertising your services or products unless they are supplying information relevant to the debate.
  • Comments are page specific, and will be placed at the base of each page where others can view or respond. Commenters can subscribe to any follow-up comments.
  • Each contribution will be publicly available (unless confidentiality is requested) and comment on it will be encouraged. 
  • If you wish to discuss the confidentiality of your submission prior to lodging it, please contact us. Please refer to our website terms and conditions for publishing of information and site use.